Art Fairs 2020

Latitudes online

RMB Turbine art fair online

AAGA x Artsy

StArt Art Gallery participated in three International Art Fairs which were unfortunately moved online due to the coronavirus pandemic. 

At Latitudes online we presented artworks by Barbara Bohlke, Fillipus Sheehama, Tony Figueira and Lynette Diergaardt

At the RMB Turbine art fair we presented ‘Finding Power’, with artworks by Elisia Nghidishange, Fillipus Sheehama and Nicky Marais. Watch the virtual walkabout here. You can read more about the show on C&.

AAGA x Artsy is an annual online art fair presented on by the African Art Galleries Association. In 2020 we presented artworks by Actofel Ilovu, Fillipus Sheehama, Ismael Shivute and Nicky Marais

Art Fairs 2020​